I really don't have a bedroom.
I've been back in New Jersey for well over a year, but my mom had moved into my Nana's old house when I came back and I've been sleeping on the couch since. It sucks and I'm really ready to move on.
There's an empty bedroom (my mom's childhood bedroom) that my Nana used to rent out a while back, but it's so worn and full of junk that I just wasn't up to moving in there. Now, though, my mom has decided to start renovating this 100 year old house and I've gotten into the groove of getting things done.
I've decided to tackle the dreaded bedroom.
I'm not exaggerating when I say that room is a HORRIBLE MESS. It really is quite awful. The previous tenants didn't take care of it at all and, at some point, someone installed carpet which now smells like nobody has cleaned it in years. Quite nasty, but I'm feeling up to the task.
The last tenant had a horrible accident that left him brain damaged so he had to move in with his mother. She came by from time to time to pick up his things, but left the majority of it in the room. My mom says I can't throw any of it away so I've been tasked with hauling heavy crap down to the basement...should be fun.
(What is that mess on the bottom of that mattress...?)
(Junk, junk, junk, and more junk.)
(Somebody's really bad attempt at patching a hole in the ceiling...)
(The border...ugh.)
Also in the room, but not pictured, is the gigantic hole in one of the windows, the awful carpet, and the broken closet door. I predict that good times shall be had fixing up this room.
I'll update later with more progress on the renovation and what I plan to do with this mess. I can say right now that I plan on doing some serious thrifting soon; I really don't plan on spending too much on getting this room done.
Please look forward to it.