My only problem with circle lenses is that I'm just lazy. I hate taking the extra effort to do anything, really. I just can't tolerate the extra few minutes during my daily routine it takes to put them in and that makes me pretty sad because they're lovely.
I never had any problems with comfort of wear (aside from my obnoxiously dry eyes) or putting them in/taking them out. It was just the simple fact that I didn't feel like doing it haha...
Here's a few pictures from my
EOS Candy Brown: 14.5mm
These were my favorite for sure even though I only tried two different kinds. They were so cute and dolly! 
A better picture showcasing the interesting look these lenses gave me. I loved the enlargement offered by the size; made my tiny, squinty eyes look so much bigger. Just don't mind the ginger hair haha.
G&G GBT Green: 14mm
There's no noticeable enlargement on these so I was pretty whatever about them...but the color was just fabulous. If I were to ever try circle lenses again, I would definitely gravitate towards green; most likely in 14.5mm though because it looks better on me.
A better picture showcasing the interesting look these lenses gave me. I loved the enlargement offered by the size; made my tiny, squinty eyes look so much bigger. Just don't mind the ginger hair haha.
G&G GBT Green: 14mm
There's no noticeable enlargement on these so I was pretty whatever about them...but the color was just fabulous. If I were to ever try circle lenses again, I would definitely gravitate towards green; most likely in 14.5mm though because it looks better on me.
Actually, this post is making me want to try out circle lenses again.....maybe. I've had my eyes on the Seeshell Cosmo Green lenses for a while now...