March 16, 2013

adventures in sewing 2013

Recently I've felt the urge to sew.


I love making my own things, but I've only ever sewn about two garments in my life; my favorite being skirts because they're just so darn easy.

Cut a few rectangles, sew a line, gather, and sew it all together = fluffy gathered skirt like this skirt that I sewed for my little sister some time ago:

So I recently came up for a goal for myself...I'm going to try and make at least 50% of my wardrobe myself this year. That's going to take a lot of sewing, but I'm up for the challenge! There's so much that I want to learn and try~!

First up is a lovely pair of bloomers I made from an old pillowcase. I followed Sparklewolfie's tutorial with a few modifications made myself. You should check out her other tutorials and the rest of her blog; it's great!

Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of the process but I'll probably try to put together a tutorial when I make another pair.

Here they are!

 Pretty easy to make and just so darn cute!

PLEASE excuse the fabric mess in the background...

I love these bloomers so much! They fit comfortably and actually aren't too short to wear outside. I plan on wearing these by themselves and also under a matching gathered mini skirt I'm going to make from the other pillowcase sometime next week.

Please look forward to it and thanks for reading!